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Animalia: Fluted Giant Clam (species: Tridacna squamosa)

Other references

  • Braley, R.D. (1985). Serotonin-induced spawning in giant clams (Bivalvia:Tridacnidae), Aquaculture, 47: 321-325. LIRS catalog number 179.
  • Goggin, C.L. and R.J.G. Lester (1987). Occurrence of Perkinsus species (Protozoa, Apicomplexa) in bivalves from the Great Barrier Reef, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 3: 113-117. LIRS catalog number 237.
  • Griffiths, D.J., H. Windsor and T. Luong-Van (1992). Iridophores in the mantle of Giant Clams, Australian Journal of Zoology, 40: 319.
  • Han, L., P.A. Todd, L.M. Chou, Y.V. Bing and B. Sivaloganathan (2008). The defensive role of scutes in juvenile fluted giant clams (Tridacna squamosa), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 359: 77-83.
  • Hirose, E., K. Iwai and T. Maruyama (2006). Establishment of the photosymbiosis in the early ontogeny of three giant clams, Marine Biology, 148: 551-558.
  • Huang, D., P.A. Todd and J.R. Guest (2007). Movement and aggregation in the fluted giant clam (Tridacna squamosa L.). 342 (2007) 269–281, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 342: 269-281.
  • Jantzen, C., C. Wild, M. El-Zibdah, H.A. Roa-Quiaoit, C. Haacke and C. Richter (2008). Photosynthetic performance of giant clams, Tridacna maxima and T. squamosa, Red Sea, Marine Biology, 155: 211-221.
  • Norton, J.H., M.A. Shepherd, H.M. Long and W.K. Fitt (1992). The zooxanthellal tubular system in the Giant Clam, Biological Bulletin, 183: 503-506.