Bush Rat (species: Rattus fuscipes) in Marramarra NP (Gaia Guide)
Rattus fuscipes
Bush Rat

©Russell Best: Bush Rat (Rattus fuscipes)

©Russell Best: Bush Rat (Rattus fuscipes)

©Russell Best: Bush Rat (Rattus fuscipes)
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Rodentia
Family Muridae
Genus Rattus
Species Rattus fuscipes
Status least concern



Distinguishing features

It is characterized by having a small tympanic bullae and a straight incisive foramina.

Adults are smaller than the Australian Swamp Rat, (Rattus lutreolus), and in addition, the bush rat's foot pads are a pink colour, whereas the swamp rat's foot pads are dark brown. The feet are pentadactyl with all digits clawed. The bush rat exhibits sexual dimorphism; the males are larger than the females in the species. (Wikipedia)


  • Size data has not been obtained.


Similar taxa


©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

Distribution and habitat preferences

It is found primarily in the coastal regions of southwestern Australia. While it is mainly found in the lowlands, the bush rat can also be found in parts of the Australian Alps and on some offshore islands.

It is primarily a burrower, the burrow leads down into the nest chamber and is lined with grass and other vegetation. (Wikipedia)


nocturnal (active at night)


It doesn't show much overlap in diet with other local rodent species. In the summer it consumes primarily fruit, arthropods, and seeds, but in the winter its main source of food is from a particular cyperaceous species. When found in the forest it consumes primarily fungi and various fibrous plant material. (Wikipedia)

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