Spur-Legged Phasmid (species: Didymuria violescens) in Australian Phasmids (Gaia Guide)
Didymuria violescens
Spur-Legged Phasmid

©Jean Hort and Fred Hort: Spur-Legged Phasmid (Didymuria violescens)

©Ben: Female Spur-Legged Phasmid (Didymuria violescens)

©Geoffrey: Juvenile
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Phasmida
Family Phasmatidae
Genus Didymuria
Species Didymuria violescens



Distinguishing features

Males have distinct spurs and thicker hind legs (the hind legs have the spurs) which is where the animal gets its common name, though the spurs are only found on the male. (Wikipedia)

The black eyes are helpful in identification of this species but are not consistent. (Matthew Connors on iNaturalist)


  • Size data has not been obtained.


  • Wingspan data is not yet available.



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

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