Crested Kingfisher (species: Megaceryle lugubris) in Birds of Laos (Gaia Guide)
Megaceryle lugubris
Crested Kingfisher

©ken on Flickr: Crested Kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris)
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Coraciiformes
Family Alcedinidae
Genus Megaceryle
Species Megaceryle lugubris
Status least concern

Distinguishing features

It is a speckled/striped black and white kingfisher with evenly barred wings and tail. It lacks a supercilium and has a spotted breast, which is sometimes mixed with rufous colouration. It has a crest that can be raised. (Wikipedia)


  • Up to 41 cm (Length of specimen)


  • Wingspan data is not yet available.



©Nrg800 on Wikipedia: Global distribution

Distribution and habitat preferences

It is resident of the Himalayas and foothills of Northern India, Bangladesh, northern Indochina, Southeast Asia and Japan.

This bird is mainly found in mountain rivers and larger rivers in foothills. (Wikipedia)

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