Barolo Shearwater (species: Puffinus baroli) in Birds of Ecuador (Gaia Guide)
Puffinus baroli
Barolo Shearwater

©2009-2018 Naturdata - Biodiversidade Online | Portugal
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Procellariiformes
Family Procellariidae
Genus Puffinus
Species Puffinus baroli



Distinguishing features

This bird is like a small version of the Manx Shearwater. The upper parts are black while the underside is white. The wings and head are more rounded. The face is white with the dark eye standing out (unlike the Manx Shearwater, in which the eye is in the dark part of the face). The rear edges of the wings are silvery-grey. (Planet of Birds)


  • From 26 cm to 30 cm (Length of specimen)


  • From 58 cm to 64 cm and averaging 60 cm


Similar taxa


Distribution and habitat preferences

It is exclusive to the North Atlantic archipelago’s of Madeira, Azores and Canary Islands, also known as Macaronesian islands. It lives all year relatively near to its breeding area but is very rarely seen and/or identified since it does not follow ships and, with its wave-top flight, is easily missed. (Planet of Birds)

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