Photo of Plantae: French Flax (species: Linum trigynum) (Gaia Guide)

French Flax (Linum trigynum)

© Harry Rose

Introduced, cool-season, annual, hairless, fine herb, 10–70 cm tall. Stems are erect or ascending, unbranched or few-branched mainly near base. Leaves are alternate, sessile, linear to linear-lanceolate or narrow-elliptic and 5–20 mm long. Flowerheads are loosely corymbose, with slender, erect pedicels to 5 mm long. Sepals 5, lanceolate to ovate and 3–4 mm long; margins are glandular-ciliolate. Petals 5, are 4–6 mm long and yellow; anthers yellow; styles free and stigmas capitate. Fruit are brown capsules 2–3 mm wide. Flowering is in spring and summer. A native of the Mediterranean, it is a weed of disturbed areas such as gardens and roadsides.

Photo taken on 28 Sep 2014

Usage licence: Attribution License