Photo of Animalia: Brown Falcon (species: Falco (Falco) berigora) (Gaia Guide)

Brown Falcon (Falco (Falco) berigora)

© David Jenkins

No great shakes as an image, mostly I'd just trash it, but she is in attack mode, my head is the intended target, its just a few moments before she pulls up and I made the other image in the Flickr set. Several have commented on that image and I wondered if this doesn't help tell the story better. The autofocus, bless its little heart was no where near the speed on the bird and its tail is what was there in the focus position, not the head. Mind, I wasn't taking a lot of attention to getting the focus right. Ducking for cover was a much more suitale activity. She actually hit the back windscreen as we drove away.

Captured on 16 Nov 2012