Edit the description's bibliography (Gaia Guide)

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Animalia: species: Acropora aspera

Other references

  • Antonius, A. and D. Lipscomb (2001). First protozoan coral-killer identified in the Indo-Pacific, Atoll Research Bulletin, 481-493: 1-21. LIRS catalog number 846.
  • Berumen, M.L. (2000). Influence of diet and habitat on the condition of butterflyfish, M.Sc. thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 719.
  • Beukers, J.S. (1996). The relative roles of recruitment and post-recruitment processes in the regulation of a coral reef damselfish population, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 472.
  • Dornelas, M. (2006). Coral assemblages and neutral theory. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1626.
  • Dornelas, M. and S.R. Connolly (2008). Multiple modes in a coral species abundance distribution, Ecology Letters, 11: 1008-1016. LIRS catalog number 1145.
  • Hoogenboom, M.O., G.E. Frank, T.J. Chase, S. Jurriaans, M. Álvarez-Noriega, K. Peterson, K. Critchell, K.L.E. Berry, K.J. Nicolet, B. Ramsby and A.S. Paley (2017). Environmental drivers of variation in bleaching severity of Acropora species during an extreme thermal anomaly. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4: 376. LIRS catalog number 2163.
  • Leggat, W.P., E.F. Camp, D.J. Suggett, S.F. Heron, A,J. Fordyce, S. Gardner, L. Deakin, M. Turner, L.J. Beeching, U. Kuzhiumparambil, C.M. Eakin and T.D. Ainsworth (2019). Rapid coral decay is associated with marine heatwave mortality events on reefs. Current Biology, 29: 2723-2730. LIRS catalog number 2355.
  • Pratchett, M.S. (2001). Dynamics of outbreak populations of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci L.), and their effects on coral reef ecosystems, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Australia. LIRS catalog number 762.
  • Pratchett, M.S. (2010). Changes in coral assemblages during an outbreak of Acanthaster planci at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef (1995-1999), Coral Reefs, 29: 717-725. LIRS catalog number 1344.
  • Wolstenholme, J.K. (2004). Temporal reproductive isolation and gametic compatibility are evolutionary mechanisms in the Acropora humilis species group (Cnidaria; Scleractinia), Marine Biology, 144: 567-582. LIRS catalog number 829.