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  • Chong-Seng, K.M., A.J. Cole, M.S. Pratchett and B.L. Willis (2011). Selective feeding by coral reef fishes on coral lesions associated with brown band and black band disease. Coral Reefs, 30: 473-484. LIRS catalog number 1395.
  • Cooper, W.J., L.L. Smith and M.W. Westneat (2009). Exploring the radiation of a diverse reef fish family: Phylogenetics of the damselfishes (Pomacentridae), with new classifications based on molecular analyses of all genera, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 52: 1-16. LIRS catalog number 1221.
  • Heatwole, S.J. and C.J. Fulton (2012). Behavioural flexibility in reef fishes responding to a rapidly changing wave environment. Marine Biology, doi: 10.1007/s00227-012-2123-2. LIRS catalog number 1586.
  • Jabbar, A., A. Asnoussi, L.J. Norbury, A. Eisenbarth, S. Shamsi, R.B. Gasser, A.L. Lopata and I. Beveridge (2012). Larval anisakid nematodes in teleost fishes from Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 63: 1283-1299. LIRS catalog number 1584.
  • Siebeck, U.E. and N.J. Marshall (2001). Ocular media transmission of coral reef fish - can coral reef fish see ultraviolet light? Vision Research, 41: 133-149. LIRS catalog number 889.