Edit the description's bibliography (Gaia Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: Southern Tubelip (species: Labropsis australis)

Other references

  • Allen, G., R. Steene, P. Humann and N. Deloach (2003). Reef fish identification: Tropical Pacific New World Publications Inc., Jacksonville, FL, USA.
  • Cheney, K.L., A.S. Grutter, S.P. Blomberg and N.J. Marshall (2009). Blue and yellow signal cleaning behaviour in coral reef fishes, Current Biology, 19: 1283-1287. LIRS catalog number 1240.
  • Elliott, J.P. and D.R. Bellwood (2003). Alimentary tract morphology and diet in three coral reef fish families, Journal of Fish Biology, 63: 1598-1609. LIRS catalog number 876.
  • Eros, C.M. (1996). Acoustic repertoire in the territorial and courtship behaviour of Stegastes apicalis (Pomacentridae), M.Sc. thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 497.
  • Fulton, C.J. (2000). The relationship between swimming ability and habitat use in wrasses (Labridae), Honours thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 619.
  • Fulton, C.J. and D.R. Bellwood (2002). Patterns of foraging in labrid fishes, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 226: 135-142. LIRS catalog number 725.
  • Fulton, C.J., D.R. Bellwood and P.C. Wainwright (2001). The relationship between swimming ability and habitat use in wrasses, Marine Biology, 139: 25-33. LIRS catalog number 657.
  • Siebeck, U.E. and N.J. Marshall (2001). Ocular media transmission of coral reef fish - can coral reef fish see ultraviolet light? Vision Research, 41: 133-149. LIRS catalog number 889.
  • Wainwright, P.C., D.R. Bellwood, M.W. Westneat, J.R. Grubich and A.S. Hoey (2004). A functional morphospace for the skull of labrid fishes: patterns of diversity in a complex biomechanical system, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 82: 1-25. LIRS catalog number 872.