Edit the description's bibliography (Gaia Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: Marbled cone (species: Conus marmoreus)

References that assist with identification

  • Wilson, B.R. (1994). Australian Marine Shells: 2. Prosobranch gastropods Odyssey Publishing, Kallaroo, Western Australia.

Other references

  • Fainzilber, M., R. van der Schors, J.C. Lodder, K.W. Li, W.P.M. Garaerts and K.S. Kits (1995). New sodium channel-blocking conotoxins also affect calcium currents in Lymnaea neurons, Biochemistry, 34: 5364-5371. LIRS catalog number 425.
  • Livett, B.G., D.W. Sandall, D. Keays, J. Down, K.R. Gayler, N. Satkunanathan and Z. Khalil (2006). Therapeutic applications of conotoxins that target the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Toxicon, 48: 810-829. LIRS catalog number 1624.
  • Watson, S.-A., S. Lefevre, M.I. McCormick, P. Domenici, G.E. Nilsson and P.L. Munday (2013). Marine mollusc predator-escape behaviour altered by near-future carbon dioxide levels. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281: 20132377. LIRS catalog number 1679.