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  • Arvedlund, M., I. Bundgaard and L.E. Nielsen (2000). Host imprinting in anemonefishes (Pisces: Pomacentridae): does it dictate spawning site preferences? Environmental Biology of Fishes, 58: 203-213. LIRS catalog number 600.
  • Buechler, K. (2005). An evaluation of geographic variation in the life history and behaviour of anemonefishes: a common-garden approach, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 972.
  • Cooper, W.J., L.L. Smith and M.W. Westneat (2009). Exploring the radiation of a diverse reef fish family: Phylogenetics of the damselfishes (Pomacentridae), with new classifications based on molecular analyses of all genera, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 52: 1-16. LIRS catalog number 1221.
  • Cooper, W.J. and M.W. Westneat (2009). Form and function of damselfish skulls: rapid and repeated evolution into a limited number of trophic niches, BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9: 24 doi:10.1186: 1471-2148. LIRS catalog number 1222.
  • Elliott, J.K., J.M. Elliott and R.N. Mariscal (1995). Host selection, location, and association behaviours of anemonefishes in field settlement experiments, Marine Biology, 122: 377-389. LIRS catalog number 700.
  • Elliott, J.K. and R.N. Mariscal (1996). Ontogenetic and interspecific variation in the protection of anemonefishes from sea anemones. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 208: 52-72. LIRS catalog number 1662.
  • Fautin, D.G. (1985). Why do anemonefishes inhabit only some host actinians? "Proceedings of the Fifth International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti".5, : 373-377(?). LIRS catalog number 189.
  • Fautin, D.G. and G.R. Allen (1992). Field guide to anemonefishes and their host sea anemones Western Australian Museum, Perth, WA.
  • Fisher, R. (2002). The functional capabilities of reef fish larvae: implications for dispersal during the pelagic phase, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 793.
  • Grutter, A.S. (1997). Effect of the removal of cleaner fish on the abundance and species composition of reef fish, Oecologia, 111: 137-143. LIRS catalog number 504.
  • Lassig, B.R. (1983). The effects of a cyclonic storm on coral reef assemblages, Environmental Biology of Fishes, 9(1): 55-63. LIRS catalog number 253.
  • Siebeck, U.E. (2002). UV vision and visual ecology of reef fish, Ph.D. thesis, University of Queensland. LIRS catalog number 754.
  • Siebeck, U.E. and N.J. Marshall (2001). Ocular media transmission of coral reef fish - can coral reef fish see ultraviolet light? Vision Research, 41: 133-149. LIRS catalog number 889.
  • Syms, C. (1998). Habitat association, disturbance dynamics, and the role of spatial scale in structuring coral reef fish assemblages, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 533.
  • Syms, C. and G.P. Jones (2001). Soft corals exert no direct effects on coral reef fish assemblages, Oecologia, 127: 560-571. LIRS catalog number 655.