Edit the description's bibliography (Gaia Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: Yellow Coral Goby (species: Gobiodon okinawae)

References that assist with identification

  • Allen and M.V. Erdmann, G.R. (2012). Reef fishes of the East Indies. Volumes I-III in: Reef fishes of the East Indies. Tropical Reef Research, Perth, Australia. LIRS catalog number 90162.

Other references

  • Hing, M.L., O.S. Klanten, M. Dowton, K.R. Brown and M.Y.L. Wong (2018). Repeated cyclone events reveal potential causes of sociality in coral-dwelling Gobiodon fishes. PLoS ONE, 13(9): e0202407. LIRS catalog number 2204.
  • Lassig, B.R. (1983). The effects of a cyclonic storm on coral reef assemblages, Environmental Biology of Fishes, 9(1): 55-63. LIRS catalog number 253.
  • Messmer, V. (2010). From genes to ecosystems: patterns, processes and consequences of declining biodiversity in coral reef fish communities. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1413.
  • Munday, P.L., G.P. Jones and M.J. Caley (1997). Habitat specialisation and the distribution and abundance of coral-dwelling gobies, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 152: 227-239. LIRS catalog number 499.
  • Munday, P.L., M. Schubert, J.A. Baggio, G.P. Jones, M.J. Caley and A.S. Grutter (2003). Skin toxins and external parasitism of coral-dwelling gobies, Journal of Fish Biology, 62: 976-981. LIRS catalog number 783.
  • Nilsson, G.E., J.-P.A. Hobbs and S. Ostlund-Nilsson (2007). Tribute to P. L. Lutz: respiratory ecophysiology of coral-reef teleosts, The Journal of Experimental Biology, 210: 1673-1686. LIRS catalog number 1043.
  • Nilsson, G.E., J.-P.A. Hobbs, S. Ostlund-Nilsson and P.L. Munday (2007). Hypoxia tolerance and air-breathing ability correlate with habitat preference in coral-dwelling fishes, Coral Reefs, 26: 241-248. LIRS catalog number 1044.
  • Schubert, M. (1999). Skin toxins and the ecology of coral gobies (Gobiodon: Gobiidae), Honours thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 633.
  • Schubert, M., P.L. Munday, M.J. Caley, G.P. Jones and L.E. Llewellyn. (2003). The toxicity of skin secretions from coral-dwelling gobies and their potential role as a predator deterrent, Environmental Biology of Fishes, 67: 359-367. LIRS catalog number 809.
  • Syms, C. (1998). Habitat association, disturbance dynamics, and the role of spatial scale in structuring coral reef fish assemblages, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 533.
  • Syms, C. and G.P. Jones (2000). Disturbance, habitat structure, and the dynamics of a coral-reef fish community, Ecology, 81(10): 2714-2729. LIRS catalog number 669.
  • Syms, C. and G.P. Jones (2001). Soft corals exert no direct effects on coral reef fish assemblages, Oecologia, 127: 560-571. LIRS catalog number 655.
  • Thompson, V.J. (2001). Habitat structure, social organisation and the reproductive biology of group-dwelling gobies, Honours thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 717.
  • Thompson, V.J., P.L. Munday and G.P. Jones (2007). Habitat patch size and mating system as determinants of social group size in coral-dwelling fishes, Coral Reefs, 26: 165-174. LIRS catalog number 1048.