Edit the description's bibliography (Gaia Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: Headspot Eviota (species: Eviota melasma)

Other references

  • Depczynski, M. (2006). Small cryptic fishes on coral reefs: a new perspective on reef fish ecology and life histories, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1070.
  • Depczynski, M. and D.R. Bellwood (2005). Wave energy and spatial variability in community structure of small cryptic coral reef fishes, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 303: 283-293. LIRS catalog number 932.
  • Depczynski, M. and D.R. Bellwood (2006). Extremes, plasticity, and invariance in vertebrate life history traits: insights from coral reef fishes, Ecology, 87: 3119-3127. LIRS catalog number 1025.
  • Goatley, C.H.R., A. González-Cabello and D.R. Bellwood (2016). Reef-scale partitioning of cryptobenthic fish assemblages across the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 544: 271-280. LIRS catalog number 2039.
  • Gonzalez-Cabello, A. and D.R. Bellwood (2009). Local ecological impacts of regional biodiversity on reef fish assemblages, Journal of Biogeography, 36: 1129-1137. LIRS catalog number 1267.
  • Greenfield, D.W. and J.E. Randall (2010). Eviota karaspila, a new gobiid fish from Fiji (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Zootaxa, 2672: 61-68. LIRS catalog number 1397.