Edit the description's bibliography (Gaia Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: Boring Clam (species: Tridacna crocea)

Other references

  • Griffiths, D.J., H. Windsor and T. Luong-Van (1992). Iridophores in the mantle of Giant Clams, Australian Journal of Zoology, 40: 319.
  • Hirose, E., K. Iwai and T. Maruyama (2006). Establishment of the photosymbiosis in the early ontogeny of three giant clams, Marine Biology, 148: 551-558.
  • Norton, J.H., M.A. Shepherd, H.M. Long and W.K. Fitt (1992). The zooxanthellal tubular system in the Giant Clam, Biological Bulletin, 183: 503-506.
  • Ravago-Gotanco, R.G., R.M. Magsino and M.A. Juinio-MeƱez (2007). Influence of the North Equatorial Current on the population genetic structure of Tridacna crocea (Mollusca: Tridacnidae) along the eastern Philippine seaboard, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 336: 161-168.