Tortoise-shelled Ladybird (species: Harmonia testudinaria) in Australian Lady Beetles (Gaia Guide)
Harmonia testudinaria
Tortoise-shelled Ladybird

©John Tann: Tortoise-shelled Ladybird (Harmonia testudinaria)

©Ellie: Close-up of a Tortoise-shelled Ladybird (Harmonia testudinaria) showing size relative to a child's hand
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Coleoptera
Family Coccinellidae
Genus Harmonia
Species Harmonia testudinaria



Distinguishing features

The mature Tortoise-shelled Ladybird has stripes along and across the body makingĀ  a net pattern. There are also two black stripes that go from the eyes up to the wing covers. Larvae are brown with cream coloured markings. Pupae are an orange yellow colour. (OzAnimals)


  • Up to 0.6 cm (Length of specimen)


  • Wingspan data is not yet available.



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution: Tortoise-shelled Ladybird (Harmonia testudinaria)

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