Sydney Brown Trapdoor Spider (species: Misgolas rapax) in Castle Cove, Sydney (Gaia Guide)
Misgolas rapax
Sydney Brown Trapdoor Spider

©Johan C.G. Fagerholm: Female Sydney Brown Trapdoor Spider (Misgolas rapax)

©Johan C.G. Fagerholm: Male Sydney Brown Trapdoor Spider (Misgolas rapax)

©Johan C.G. Fagerholm: Sydney Brown Trapdoor Spider (Misgolas rapax)
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Arachnida
Order Araneae
Family Idiopidae
Genus Misgolas
Species Misgolas rapax



Distinguishing features

Distinguishing features still need to be specified.


  • Size data has not been obtained.



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

Distribution and habitat preferences

They are found in and around Sydney, NSW, Australia.

They dig an open burrow in the ground that is lined with silk. These burrows may reach 250mm in depth and around 25mm in width. Brown trapdoors are often found scattered of silk triplines around the entrance. (Wikipedia)


Sydney brown trapdoors are usually shy and retiring, although the occasional individual will stand up and show its fangs if harassed inside its burrow. They spend most of the time in their burrows. At night, they are waiting for food in front of their burrows. Mature male Sydney brown trapdoors wander during humid weather in search of a mate. (Wikipedia)

Web resources


  • mild discomfort - The bites of Sydney brown trapdoors are not dangerous. Local pain and swelling may occur. (Wikipedia)