urn:lsid:gaiaguide.info:group:6rx83r32 in Lizard Island (Gaia Guide)

©Anne: A specimen of Catostylus at Yonge Reef. Bell diameter is 25 to 30 cm.

©Anne: Catostylus sp at Yonge Reef
Kingdom Animalia
Status unspecified

Distinguishing features

A large solid jelly blubber, pale brown all over, with eight robust appendages and numerous tentacles under the bell. Bell diameter reaches at least 60 cm. Upper surface of the bell is covered with shallow ridges and valleys. Swims actively.


  • Size data has not been obtained.


Local abundance

  • Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia: We saw numerous (tens) Catostylus colonies during a short period in late December 2011. This is the only time we can recall seeing any during more than 20 years in the Lizard Island area.

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