Green Pygmy-goose (species: Nettapus (Nettapus) pulchellus) in Birds of Flores (Gaia Guide)
Nettapus (Nettapus) pulchellus
Green Pygmy-goose

©Alec Brennan: Male

©Bernard Dupont: Green Pygmy-goose (Nettapus (Nettapus) pulchellus)

©Helenabella: Green Pygmy-goose (Nettapus (Nettapus) pulchellus)
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Anseriformes
Family Anatidae
Genus Nettapus
Species Nettapus (Nettapus) pulchellus
Status least concern



Distinguishing features

It has a small bill and compact form. The breeding male has a predominantly dark green back, neck and crown, white cheeks and dark green, pale grey and white scalloped underparts. The tail and primary flight feathers and primary coverts are black, while the secondary flight feathers are white. The secondary coverts are a dark iridescent green. This iridescence is lost outside of the breeding season and the plumage is duller. It exhibits sexual dimorphism, the female has a barred rather than green neck and otherwise resembles the non-breeding male. Immature birds are duller, and have mottled dark brown heads. (Wikipedia)


  • From 30 cm to 36 cm (Length of specimen)


  • From 48 cm to 60 cm



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution: Green Pygmy-goose (Nettapus (Nettapus) pulchellus)

Distribution and habitat preferences

The Green Pygmy Goose is found in southern New Guinea and across northern Australia (from Western Australia, through Northern Territory and into Queensland). To the west, it commonly reaches Timor-Leste, where it possibly breeds at Lake Iralalara. It is largely resident, apart from dispersion in the wet season. The habitat is well vegetated lowland lagoons and other permanent fresh waters. (Wikipedia)

Web resources


  • Simpson, K., N. Day and P. Trusler (2004). Field Guide to Birds of Australia: 7th Edition Penguin Group (Australia), Camberwell, Victoria.