Photo of Plantae: species: Romulea rosea (Gaia Guide)

Romulea rosea

© Harry Rose

Introduced, cool season, perennial,small herb with a globose corm, no aerial stem and annual aerial leaves and flowers. Leaves several, basal, 8–40 cm long, 1–2.5 mm wide, compressed, grooved and tough. Flowers are solitary. Perianth tubes formed from 6 tepals are 2–4 mm long and yellow; lobes are 10–18 mm long and pale to bright pink, rarely white; outer tepals are dark-striped or greenish outside. Stigmas are exceeded by anthers. Capsules are cylindrical, about 1 cm long, on decurved scapes that straighten at maturity. Flowering is in late winter and spring. A native of South Africa, it is a common weed of pastures, lawns and roadsides

Photo taken on 31 Aug 2014

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