Photo of Plantae: species: Fumaria capreolata (Gaia Guide)

Fumaria capreolata

© Harry Rose

Introduced, cool-season, annual herb. Stems grow to about 1 m long, sometimes climbing. Leaves are variously pinnatisect, segments thin, often 3–5 mm wide, climbing petiolules usually present. Flowerheads are up to 20-flowered and shorter than the peduncle; pedicels are recurved in fruit; bracts are as long as pedicels. Flowers are usually white or cream with purplish tips, gradually turning pink following pollination. Petals are usually 10–14 mm long, much smaller in cleistogamous flowers; upper petals are laterally compressed and the wings do not conceal the keel. Flowering is mostly in spring. A native of northern Africa, western and southern Europe and western Asia, it is a widespread environmental weed. Mainly found in riparian areas, urban bushland, coastal sites, open woodlands, gardens, roadsides, disturbed sites and waste areas. It prefers partially shady and wetter habitats.

Photo taken on 6 Jul 2014

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